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Sistan and Baluchestan Province


The area of the province is 187502 square kilometers, which covers 11.5% of the country's area. According to the general census of 1390, the relative density of the province was 12.5 people per square kilometer, which is one of the least populated provinces in the country in this regard. As the largest province, Sistan and Baluchestan is located in the southeastern part of the country. This province has 1210 km border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, 370 km water border with the northern shores of the Oman Sea, with South Khorasan province in the north, with Hormozgan and Kerman in the west.


Baluchistan has a mountainous nature. The southern regions of the province have different climates due to their proximity to Oman Sea and monsoon winds. It consists of the cities of Zahedan, Mirjaveh, Khash, Saravan, Sib and Soran, Mehrestan, Iranshahr, Sarbaz, Delgan, Nikshahr, Qasr Ghand, Chabahar and Konarak. Sistan region is the gem of Hirmand River, which is the world's largest freshwater lake. The vital artery of the region, Hirmand, shows considerable annual fluctuations. 120-day winds that blow from late spring to late summer are effective in intensifying the dryness of the environment. Sistan region includes the cities of Zabol, Zahak, Nimroz, Hamoon and Helmand.


In Sistan and Baluchestan province, in addition to celebrating Nowruz, religious ceremonies like Eid-e Ghorban and Eid-e Fetr have special importance. On these Eids, people get together, wear new clothes, pray Eid prayers, and then visit their relatives. One of the customs related to the engagement period among the people of Sistan and Baluchestan is that on Eids such as Eid-e Ghorban, Eid-e Fetr and Nowruz, the groom's father invites bride and groom to the house and the groom presents a sheep and Eidi to the bride's family. People also make sweets called chelebaks on religious holidays and go to the cemetery. Sword dance, which is one of the oldest epic dances in the country, also belongs to this region.

Handicrafts and Food

Sistan and Baluchestan is one of the largest fishing centers, so fish and shrimp can be purchased as souvenirs. Landor sweet, which is a souvenir of Zabul city, is one of the most famous sweets in this province; the handicrafts of this region are mainly produced by women and girls. The most important of these products are mat weaving, pottery, needlework, and carpet weaving, each of which is considered as the souvenir of this province. Yellow curd is one of the main local dishes of Sistan and Baluchestan province. Yellow curd is a nutritious food related to the city of Zabol, which is usually consumed as breakfast on cold winter days. Ojizak Zaboli and Sistani broth are also among the famous dishes of Sistan and Baluchestan region. Sistani broth is cooked with special spices and has a unique flavor.

Tourist Attractions

The history and location of this region have created interesting natural phenomena and attractions aakong with unique historical attractions. UNESCO World Heritage Site of Shahr-e Sukhte, Taftan Volcanic Mountain, Hamoon Lake, Khajeh Mountain, Dezak Castle, volcanoes, Gelfeshans (Mud Volcanoes), Ladiz Cave, Belgian Customs, Timur Castle (Zahedan-e Kohne), Naseri Castle of Iranshahr, Sib and Suran Castle, Tis Castle and Cemetery, Baan Mesiti Caves, Kalporagan Living Pottery Museum, Tang Port, Darak Beach, Miniature Mountains, Beris Beach, Lipar Lagoon, etc. are just some of these attractions.
The local costume of Sistan and Baluchestan with its great historical background is one of the main symbols of the original Iranian dress, which is still used in various designs and colors among these people. The heat in Sistan and Baluchestan requires loose-fitting clothing, which is usually white in summer and dark in winter. All the clothes in this region have a main pattern that is pants and a long shirt, but the designs, colors and decorations on them are various. From the point of view of an ordinary person, all these clothes may look the same, but in reality, this is not the case; the type of clothing worn by the people of different regions is designed in a way that one can know which city, region or tribe that person belongs to by just taking a look. Class status is quite noticeable in the type of clothing men and women wear; differences are mostly in the fabric and clothing, especially in needlework, which in some cases has a significant price difference, but not in their design and sewing.

Tags: Attractions of Sistan and Baluchestan province, Sistan and baluchestan province, Khajeh mountain, Sistan Dahane Gholaman, Gelfeshan, Shahr-e Sukhte, Hirmand River, Hamoon Lake

Gwadar Bay

When talking about natural attractions, everyone remembers different concepts such as forest, river, sea, mountain, desert, and few people can imagine that the forest can be seen in the middle of deep ocean waters.

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Gelfeshan, a mud volcano, is a geomorphological and geological phenomenon made of one or some volcanic craters, which constantly erupt cold mud to the surface of the earth and ultimately take the shape of small or big hills after accumulating on top of each other.

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Sistan Dahane gholaman

Sistan Dahane gholaman is located 2 km from Qaleh-e-No village of Zahak city, about 44 km from Zabol city and around Hamoon Lake in Sistan and Baluchestan province. To visit this complex and other attractions of this province, you can join the tours of Persiantrips Tourism group.

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