Mohseni Historical Mansion, known as the Artists' Mansion, has 2 floors and five rooms. This residence has the capacity to accommodate 35 tourists, which is located in the Mohseni neighborhood.Behbahan is one of the historical cities in Khuzestan provincce which beauty is famous verybecause of its beautiful Narcissus plains. In the past, Mohseni Mansion was also known as Chehel Dari House, which is named after the number of doors in the residence.The yard is surrounded by beautiful rooms and the traditional beds can be a good place for getting together at nights and friendly gathering that will leave happy memories for travelers.The best season to visit this mansion is mid-November to February, which in addition to seeing the tourist attractions, travelers can also visit the narcissus plains. The amenities of this residence include a public kitchen, local guide, cooling and heating system.In addition, the residence has a restaurant and coffee shop where travelers can use the local food and delicious accommodation and experience the feeling of living in a traditional style.Traditional residences in Khuzestan province, like other accommodation in Iran are built in the style of architecture of its region in which they are located and they try to have the most harmony with the surrounding area.