Haruniyeh Dome
Great Khorasan was considered one of the most important government regions in the middle decades of Islamic history. A fertile land that had a large population and was the boundary between Central Asia and the inner regions of Iran.
For this reason, there were important and big cities in it. One of these cities is Tous, which has cultivated famous scientists and elders. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the oldest building left in this city, which is related to the past 700 years. This building is called Haruniyeh Dome Mausoleum. A structure very close to the tomb of Ferdowsi.
What is said about the history of Haruniyeh Dome?
The architecture of the building is full of mysteries. So far, no one has been able to prove with evidence when and by whom this building was built. Its architecture is very similar to the architecture of the Ilkhanid period, but it also has similarities with the fire temples of the Sassanid period. Different opinions have been expressed about its nature; Including: prison, Al-Ghazali's tomb, interrogation place, school, monastery and.... But so far this mystery remains unsolved.
But what is closer to the truth? Contrary to what it seems, there are evidences of Seljuk architects in the building, the most important of which is the square structure of the whole building, which is completely related to the Seljuk period. Now, if we consider Haruniyeh Dome as belonging to the Seljuk period, considering the existence of other similar buildings all over Iran, it can be said that this building was a government center.
Architecture of Haruniyeh Dome:
This structure will dazzle your eyes. As it was said, the general plan of the Harounieh mausoleum is square and its most important parts include a long porch, four inner porches, latticed windows, an enclosure, eight arches with cruciform arches, a rectangular garden, a crypt and a brick dome (22 meters). becomes One of the most interesting skills of the architects is to bring the sunlight to the entire interior of the mausoleum through various openings and repeated reflections. Also, for decoration, types of muqarnas, symmetry, and stucco are used.
Whatever its purpose, the Haruniyeh Dome is the oldest creation of history in the city of Tous, which is next to the great poet of the world, Ferdowsi!!!
Tags: Razavi khorasan Province, Dome, Razavi khorasan Attractions, Domes in Iran